Sunday, February 28, 2010

kari kepala ikan...;)

cite nye,,smlm me n my mr. dearie pegi wedding his kezen..kat depan umah mr. dearie,,after tuh,,lepak2 kat umah my bakal mak mertua...hehehe...sembang punye sembang,,,cite punye cite,,,then i am invited to come to my future SIL nye birthday on 28/02/2010 which is today...

the best part is their menu is 7ekor kepala ikan merah mau dimasak kari...hahaha...mmg xtdo mlm aku pk pasal makanan nih...

tp at 1st hajat aku nk mkn nih xkesampaian pon...coz mr. dearie keje tbe2 die pon teringin dat kari kepala,,he ponteng today...

yeay...!!!!hehehe...dpt ar aku mkn kari kepala ikan tuh...wah...sgt lapa dh nih...huhu... my mr. dearie nih tdo lg...kul bpe laa i dpt g sane menanti penuh kesabaran nih...;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


hurmmm...xberkesempatan nk berblogging nih...

recently nih bz cket ar...tbe2 bru terase yg the time is running fast...pejam celik pejam celik,,,tinggal lebih kurang 2bulan je for my big day...bnyk lg preparation nk kene wat nih...

bout hantaran,,most of them dh ready kot...yg bnyk xsiap nk wat pape is kind of kebenaran for us...hehe...such as,,,HIV test xwat lg....all the forms yg berkaitan at JAIS pon xwat pape lg...pelamin, mak andam and baju for recep at his house pon xcr lg....aAaarrgghhh.....bnyk nye....hurmmm...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

at last...yeay...!!!!

akhirnya....sampai hajat sy tuk bli handbag baru...yeay...!!!!

thanx to my beloved bestie, Norafizaida Man..huhuhu...thanx to my love gak coz bg budget kot...hehehe....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


hehe...title cam nk christmas je bukan pon....hari nih tbe2 hati rase cam seronok jer...haha...even keje kat ofis camtuh,,all those thing make me feel serba salah plak...hurmmm...hope i'll make a right decision sooner…hehehe…pray for my better future…wink…(^o^)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

.:: Handbag ::.

Erm…I am wondering,,,,how to choose a nice and proper handbag for myself….

Actly in dis 2 months,, dh gune 3 handbag tp cam xsesuai jer…hurmmm…busan ble pk nk bli handbag camne…my bestie ajak g bli kat Charles & Keith…mmg menarik pon…the price pon xberape nk mahal pon…tp kang dh bli,,,tbe2 xberkenan plak…

Adoi…tp my love ckp,,,bli jela since my current handbag pon dh almost nazak dh…tgu mase jer tuk koyak…hehehe…

Cantek gak yg nih kn…;)

tp kebarangkalian tuk koyak gak tuh de kot...=(

April oh April...♥

Hurmmm….dis coming April means so much to me for the rest of my life…hee….

April 24th, my bestie birthday and my ‘BIG’ day…ahaks….and on April 27th is my love’s will be the 1st his birthday we’ll celebrate together kot…hehe…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

♥ IKEA ♥

After keje,,,sy g IKEA….dh janji ngan adik sy nk g sane smlm lg…tp harinih,,not just me & my brother jer…my love and Ms. Norfie pon nk ikut gak…

Tp disebabkan jem,,,ktorg smpi nk dkt kul 3 dh…sian adik sy kelaparan…so,,,aim for food is 1st priority…huhu…

1st me & norfie nk mkn kat Fish Manhattan…tp my love nih xnk plak…not in mood to eat just fish kot today….so we all pon g mkn ayam (agreed by my love) which is Kenny Roggers Roaster…

Before mkn….

After mkn…hehe…licin kot…even muffin yg di order sudah xde stok…so dpt muffin banana je…tp abis gak dimakan dek adik & my love…huhuhu….

Then,,,bru kitorg g IKEA…

Motif utama nk bli meja….tp my beloved Ummi ask for balang yg cantek…huhu…so kene ar cr for her as well….

Lame gak jln2 dlm tuh….not just bli meja & balang,,,tp mcm2 lg de bli…huhu…

Ms. Norfie shopping lg bnyk…haha seb baik my love tak suh die blek nek komuter jer…klu x,,alamat brg die sume kat saye je ar kot…hihihi….

Then time nk anta norfie blek,,,kitorg singgah Naili’s,,,kedai mkn dkt ngan Ms. Norfie’s house…

After sent Ms. Norfie back home..(my bro & me tolong her angkat brg smpi tgkt 15 wo…!!!),,we trus blek umah….♥

Nih je pic yg de…mase2 laen,,,dh sibuk tgk brg…;)

penatnye my syg nih..hehehe...

adik sy yg setia menjadi driver trolley..;)

tdo plak...!!!!

p/s: next time sy upload pic balang & meja that we bought k...♥

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Erm…..1st entry for today…nk cite pasal what happen in my office this morning…

Huhu….memandangkan hari nih half day je keje,,means smpi kul 1230pm je keje… by da time around 1100am,,,sy dh mule malas….turun naik je keje…haha…and suddenly terfikir nak wat some decorations for CNY kat company nih…hehe…keje camni,,,rjin cket laa nk wat…dh penat ngadap computer for the whole week…

Then…sy pon ajak laa my colleague sorg nih yg bername YOW KAR JUEN…die nih pon cam sy gak…sangat laa malas nk keje hari sabtu nih…hehe…and our decorations pon started laa…

And,,,inilah hasilnye…huhu…xcantek mane pon..just sj menghabiskan mase kat office nih…

One more thing,,,tgh2 wat those decorations,,,tgn sy tercedera cket...


Friday, February 5, 2010


setelah penat try menukar my layout nih,,,akhirnye,,,tau gak sy carenye...huhu...dis for started,,ok kot...

05022010 lunch...=D

Hurrmmm….hari nih lunch supported by my employer..hehe…thank you so much boss for the lunch…

Tp as usual,,,ktorg akan g lunch kat KAJANG HILL GOLF CLUB...tu je yg dekat ngan ofis…lgpon lunch time kn 1 jam je….

Erm…nk cite the menu for today…agak menarik…coz de CNY set…sedap & menyebabkan diriku nih teramat lah kenyang…hehehe…mn x nye…bnyk lauknye…even xde nasi,,,de bihun goring dlm set tuh….tgk je menu nih…ktorg td mkn SET B…

tp td xbwk camera pon…igt mkn biase je…xtau plak boss nk order camnih…sume xpenah mkn….
For starting,,,kitorg mkn ‘Yee San’…nih cam appetizer ar…penah tgk x dlm cite cine yg diorg sblm mkn kene angkat2 kaco2 tuh…hehe…tu ar yg sy mkn td…=P

camni ar lebeh kurang mknn nye...=D

camni gak kitorg wat td...=P

And for penutupnye,,ktorg mkn ‘Ninko’…direct translate to BM is Kuih Tahun…haha…sedap gak ar…kuih tuh wat dr keladi n dlm keladi tuh de cam kaya kot…luar plat salut ngan tepung…sedap wo…!!!

yg td nye cantek cket rupenye...=P

And again,,,thank you boss…haha…bukan senang boss aku nih nk blnje…agak k*****t…huhu…

Thursday, February 4, 2010


hari nk ujan...camne nk blek nih...payung pn xde coz smlm ptg blek dh pg td lupe plak nk bwk blek ofis...hurmmm....kang demam pg...padahal harituh bru baek demam...hurmmm...:(

Siti Nur Farah Najwa...=D

hurmmm....nih ar new born baby tuh...cute kn...she was born on 01st February 2010...hehe...nih anak abg azlan, abg dtg smlm pn abg die nih pon dh nk tdo... sian kitorg dtg bwk McD skali...mkn ngan anak buah lan yg laen...mak nye tengok je ar...dlm pantang kn...hehehe.....
ye...teka spe yg pegang dis baby???
... lovely azlan...yeay...!!!!!!
pandai jg budak ek...huhu...but me,,,haha...tkut nk pegang...=P

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


aduh...perut dh bunyi sgt2 love nih plak xsmpi2 lg nih....aduh...lmbt btul..slalu drive laju jer...hehe... teringin nk mkn McD ar...actly dah 2 hari mengidam McD nih....hari tuh time demam2 teringin nk bubur ayam kemalasan nk g bli...nk call pn mls...hari nih ar nk g mkn jap lg....
dpt nih pn best gak....

nih pon sodap gak...=D

~new baby~

hurmmm...hari nih nk g tgk new born baby...waiting for my love blek jap lg...nk g tgk bakal my fruit baby...hihihi...nnt upload pic k...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010