Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sweet Cherry (^o^)
When she was two days old, time nak bawak balik dari hospital, my big bro, which is her Uncle Adi already bought her a Cot aka Playard…
Tapi disebabkan Uncle Adi xreti pasang, even her Tok Abah and Uncle Amin pon xreti pasang gak…manual xbetul katenye…haha…so, balik dari hospital daddy nye laa yg bertungkus lumus pasang Cot tuh…then baru laa bleh letak si kecik mummy nih…;)
Then in about she was 2 weeks old, one of my mom's friend gave her a Stroller…alhamdullillah…tak payah gak mummy and daddy beli…huhu…
Then bile mummy start keje after long holiday, my ofismate bagi Walker plak…even though Azwa baru 2 bulan at that time..since diorg xtau nak bagi apa…so, dapat laa Walker yg mummy simpan je lg dalam stor..haha..baru last week kuarkan and pasang…hehe…
Coincidentally, sume barang2 tuh sume nye jenama…
Ya…!!! Sweet Cherry… sweet…
So now, mummy and daddy is under consideration to buy Car Seat yg also Sweet Cherry…hehe…
But not really sure whether to buy or not…de yang cakap xgune sgt…and baby pon xberape nak dok kat car seat tuh…tp mummy and daddy nih yg asik laa nk berjalan kemane2..rasenye bergune kot Car Seat tuh nnt…
And 1 more thing yang still under consideration was Baby Carrier…Sweet Cherry gak of course…
Ntah nape dh kebetulan sume dapat Sweet Cherry, maka mummy dengan itu cam minat nak wat collection sume barang2 Azwa from Sweet Cherry brand…hehe...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Will be back...!!!!
For my come back, I introduce to all my new life oriented,
Azwa Amani Binti Rus Azlan
Mummy and Daddy love you so much dear...:)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
30 weeks & 1 day
Monday, February 28, 2011
haha...berbalik pada cerita facebook nih…skang kat ofis aku,,,sume org dh xbleh ‘maen’ facebook time keje….hahaha…sume gara2 aku kot…eleh…aku xheran pon kot….erm…xyah ar cite npe ye…kang de yg bc & smpikn kat boss aku lg kot kn…hahaha…
so skang nih just berfacebooking kat umah jer laa...facebook jer laa…yg laen2 still bleh kot…hahaha….
dats all for today..hehe…