Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sweet Cherry (^o^)

Hehe…nk wat cket entry pasal Azwa nye stuff nih…since she was born, barang2 yang mahal2 nih xpenah lg laa kot mummy and daddy die belikan…alhamdulillah…maybe rezeki Azwa and rezeki mummy and daddy gak…:)

When she was two days old, time nak bawak balik dari hospital, my big bro, which is her Uncle Adi already bought her a Cot aka Playard…

Tapi disebabkan Uncle Adi xreti pasang, even her Tok Abah and Uncle Amin pon xreti pasang gak…manual xbetul katenye…haha…so, balik dari hospital daddy nye laa yg bertungkus lumus pasang Cot tuh…then baru laa bleh letak si kecik mummy nih…;)

Then in about she was 2 weeks old, one of my mom's friend gave her a Stroller…alhamdullillah…tak payah gak mummy and daddy beli…huhu…

Then bile mummy start keje after long holiday, my ofismate bagi Walker plak…even though Azwa baru 2 bulan at that time..since diorg xtau nak bagi apa…so, dapat laa Walker yg mummy simpan je lg dalam stor..haha..baru last week kuarkan and pasang…hehe…

Coincidentally, sume barang2 tuh sume nye jenama…

Ya…!!! Sweet Cherry… sweet…

So now, mummy and daddy is under consideration to buy Car Seat yg also Sweet Cherry…hehe…

But not really sure whether to buy or not…de yang cakap xgune sgt…and baby pon xberape nak dok kat car seat tuh…tp mummy and daddy nih yg asik laa nk berjalan kemane2..rasenye bergune kot Car Seat tuh nnt…

And 1 more thing yang still under consideration was Baby Carrier…Sweet Cherry gak of course…

Ntah nape dh kebetulan sume dapat Sweet Cherry, maka mummy dengan itu cam minat nak wat collection sume barang2 Azwa from Sweet Cherry brand…hehe...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Will be back...!!!!

Mmg dh lame gile xupdate story of my life here...dr before deliver..till my gurl dh almost six months dh...hehe...a lot of story to tell...nnt ye...kumpul all the pics and story...then i'll post it here....:)

For my come back, I introduce to all my new life oriented,
Azwa Amani Binti Rus Azlan

Mummy and Daddy love you so much dear...:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

30 weeks & 1 day

dah 7 bulan setengah pregnant dh diam, disebabkan xde alahan or pape yg extravaganza happened, so,,xde ar terase sgt kot...just ble dh de gerak2 dlm perut bru ar btul2 caye yg pregnant rupenye aku nih...hahaha....

hehe....entry nih just nk share,,since 7bulan setengah pregnant nih,,baru hari nih laa cbuk nk shopping brg2 baby...hahaha...dh ckp kat hubby dr die keep kate awal lg...smpi laa last 2 weeks de kakak ipar nih btau yg die dulu 4bulan dh excited bli brg2 nih....and die ckp lg yg 7bulan nih dh de potensi tuk deliver dh....haha...bru laa hubby cbuk2 ajak g bli...hahahaha....

time shopping td hubby kate amik jer....nk ape amik jer...hahaha....pastuh die pon kaut jer pe die nk...adoi...yg xcomel pon die yg aku letak blek...& ade yg die amik xsume laa lg brg di tuh pon dh menjangkau xpelaa...jgn berkire ngan anak kn...hahaha....

dlm bnyk2 brg yg dibeli tuh,,still de yg dicari xdpt2...hehe...

cr rompers yg camnih,,xde hubby kate ssh klu pki camnih..bek cr yg de butang kat depan...adoi...hahaha....

Monday, February 28, 2011


dh lame rasenye tak wat new entry kat blog nih...bukan pe...a bit bz & lagipon xnk create kontroversi lg kat ofis....

haha...berbalik pada cerita facebook nih…skang kat ofis aku,,,sume org dh xbleh ‘maen’ facebook time keje….hahaha…sume gara2 aku kot…eleh…aku xheran pon kot….erm…xyah ar cite npe ye…kang de yg bc & smpikn kat boss aku lg kot kn…hahaha…

so skang nih just berfacebooking kat umah jer laa...facebook jer laa…yg laen2 still bleh kot…hahaha….

dats all for today..hehe…

Thursday, January 6, 2011

31st December 2010

erm...cite yg dh basi nk cite gak...haha...

tanggal 31hb Disember 2010 merupakan public holiday untuk rakyat Malaysia sempena meraikan skuad negara berjaya memenangi, menjulang dan bawa pulang Piala AFF Suzuki...haha...even aku nih tgk time final aku ttp penyokong tau...(tgk final sorg2 plak tuh kat umah...sedeh..)

lagi tambah sedeh bile ofis aku xbg cuti...ntah pape kn...dh PM suh cuti tuh,,,cuti jer ar...(padahal boss aku dengan seronok nye tgh mkn angin kat overseas..lg mau sibuk suruh ktorg keje...nih sume gara2 xbleh pakai punye HR)..adoi...siap kene wat stock take plak tuh....

tapi takpelaa...memandangkan untuk menjaga reputasi sebagai pekerja cemerlang,,aku mls nk bnyk,,,dtg laa keje...

bersiap nk g keje on Public Holiday... (de nmpk cam org mengandung 21 minggu x???)

hehe...pic td xde date.... (nk bukti yg aku mmg keje on Public Holoday...kalau rajin,,bleh laa aku report kat Labour Office..hehehe...)

aku ditugas kan tuk kre stock kat are sebahagian jer ar...& berpartner...hehe...memandangkan aku nih mak buyung,,,so,,diorg xbg keje yg truk sgt laa kot...

nih antara port aku & partner laa...

nih pon same...mengira balance cat yg de...

ni laa my work partner for that day...Faris..die yg wat ramai helper....aku tukang catat jer...hahaha...

nih pulak store keeper, Rozik...

bile dh sudah keje,,,ktorg diprovide lupe plak nk amik gambar...dh lapa...hehe...lepas lunch,,masing2 boleh balik...hehehe.....

blek, trus blek kampung hubby...hehe...die mmg dh de kat sane pon...die kn cuti...hehe....

kat kampung,,keje melayan anak buah hubby jer laa...sementara tunggu hubby abis smyg jumaat...

mengada2 jap...;P