Thursday, December 16, 2010

Niat yg perlu di postponed...=(

erm...dr dulu berhajat nk de DSLR sendiri...tgk org de camera camtuh cam best...since aku nih gle bergambo aku nk dok depan camera jer ar...haha...yg slalu menjadi mangsa bile kuar ngan family is adik ku yg sgt bgus, Amirul Amin...(hehe...kene puji nih...) since die de D90 yg digendong kemane2 die g...hahaha....

and hr tuh di ajak oleh adikku tuh yg gile photography ke Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival...and best gak ar dlm tuh...masing2 sibuk ngan camera masing2....macam2 ragam gak sume photographer nih...and macam2 gaye diorg shoot pic model2 kat sane...termasuklan adikku tuh xlepaskn peluang try lense2 kat sane yg panjang sedepa pon de...siap diorg bukak booth for loan lg...wah...gile2....yg bukan terror sgt ialah aku & hubby jer laa kot...hehe...

and aku de jumpe 1 camera nih...cambest sgt...adikku pon suggest to amik dat memandangkan aku pk nk pindah umah and nk wat saving for baby nih...aku terpakse laa simpan jer hajat tuh dulu....adoi...all the gift yg ditawarkan pon terpakse aku lupekan...dh laa skang asek iklan tuh jer kuar kat tv...sungguh membuak2 keinginan aku nih....hehe...xpelaa...hope nnt de rezeki anak tuk dpt DSLR sendiri...nnt mayb dh yg bru yg lg best...(sejukkan ati sendiri)..hurmmmm...

inilaa die camera yg klu xpk panjang,,mmg dh jd milik aku dh skang nih...hehehe...

p/s: Amirul,,,nnt ble everything dh settle,,,giat cr DSLR blek k...;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nasihat yg amat berguna...;)

last few weeks de kakak of my friend chat ngan 1st just to congrats me on my pregnancy i pastuh jd sembang panjang...hehe...sonok rasenye sembang ngan kakak nih (about pregnant of coz)...thanx a lot kak dayana...hehe...

she told me about how to prepare for deliver....and some tips cket sgt berguna nih...akan ku ingat sampai tibe mase nnt....

one of the most important thing yg die ckp and aku ingat sgt is baby nye otak berkembang seawal 3bulan pertama...that is why sume ibu-ibu disarankan minum susu bnyk2...hehe...doc pon de saran kan laa...and siap bg sample susu2 lg...for me on my 3rd month for started to minum kire dh lambat cket xpelaa...dr xlangsung kn...hehehe....

tp for me susu-susu yg laen cam xsedap jer....yg menjadi pilihan hati is Annum Materna...and the most important is perisa coklat...hehe...ade cam xsedap jer kot...xtau laa...tekak masing2 kn....hehehe...

hihihi...pape pon hope my baby nih sihat, cerdas & cergas nnt k...;)